SEGA Nerdcast: Episode 81 (with Stephen Frost)
Stephen Frost talks Sonic Boom.
NintendObserver’s select content on Stephen Frost.
NintendObserver’s select content on Stephen Frost.
Stephen Frost talks Sonic Boom.
You've heard it straight from the game's producer.
"There is a lot to the Sonic Boom games, so even a demo at E3 barely showcases what the game has to offer."
"In the case of Sonic Boom, which is the third game in the Nintendo exclusivity deal..."
"This is because we were trying to build a strong and consistent foundation that everything could be built off of."
NintendObserver interviewe Stephen Frost sur Sonic Boom, jeux exclusivement sur Wii U et Nintendo 3DS.
Stephen Frost talks with NintendObserver.
Games to be released November 2014 on Wii U and 3DS.
Keep calm and the news are coming.
GamerFitNation: "Alright, cool. Well thank you, I mean, wow, one more thing! WILL WE SEE SUPER SONIC???"
"We definitely would love to be able to give those guys opportunities to be interviewed and chat with all the different fansites in general."
"Just specifically, like, you know, the Nathan Drake reference: Bob only worked in the first Uncharted."