Exclusive Interview with Stephen Frost (Sonic Boom) on producing a “multimedia” and multicultural project
"This is because we were trying to build a strong and consistent foundation that everything could be built off of."
NintendObserver’s select content on Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal for Nintendo 3DS.
NintendObserver’s select content on Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal for Nintendo 3DS.
"This is because we were trying to build a strong and consistent foundation that everything could be built off of."
NintendObserver interviewe Stephen Frost sur Sonic Boom, jeux exclusivement sur Wii U et Nintendo 3DS.
Stephen Frost talks with NintendObserver.
Different culture, different name.
Launching November 2014 in North America alongside the Wii U version.
Sonic Boom at E3 in pictures.
Games to be released November 2014 on Wii U and 3DS.
CryEngine graphics.
The 3DS version is officially name "Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal."
The Sonic Boom games have been officially named.
Savage and intelligent.
Sonic and team are in good company.
Keep calm and the news are coming.
GamerFitNation: "Alright, cool. Well thank you, I mean, wow, one more thing! WILL WE SEE SUPER SONIC???"