Pokémon: ‘Pokémon Go’s May Community Day Features Seedot’
This event will take place on Sunday, May 24.
NintendObserver’s select content on the smart devices platform.
NintendObserver’s select content on the smart devices platform.
This event will take place on Sunday, May 24.
May 12 to May 19.
Players who reach rank 7 in Season 2 will earn Pikachu Libre-themed avatar items, and those who make it to rank 10 will also earn Steven-themed avatar items—plus a new Trainer pose that'll let them show off their accomplishment.
Team Races and Room Codes added in version 2.1.0.
So this is what Ike would look like if he actually touched Mist's medallion like his father did. Such a clever way for an FEH exclusive character to make sense based on canonic stories.
Daisy is a fairy.
Gosh, Julia's story is heartbreaking.
The maximum number of PokéCoins you can earn in a day will be increased to 55.
On Sunday, May 17, you can enjoy an Incense Day event featuring Water-type Pokémon and Dark-type Pokémon—notably Carvanha.
The original date got delayed due to a technical issue.
With a Remote Raid Pass, you can join a Raid Battle that you can see on the Nearby screen or tap on the map.
The next (and final) bundle is available at time of posting.
To think if I'm not mistaken he used to be an obtacle.
Tiki and her Divine Dragon form.
Edelgard to represent FE16. It doesn't make any sense.
He kinda looks like Charly from the May Day ACNH event.
Don't ask me why but, my brothers and I officialized his name as Acklaw. Way cooler than Silver in my opinion.
Chrom and Peony, the former with the support of someone who may or may not be delicate.
Even more Egg Pokémon are coming soon.
Edelgard in a nutshell. If Hitler was a hot girl.