Pokémon Sun & Moon – Zygarde’s Cores and Cells
The Cores act as brains while the Cells make up Zygarde's body parts.
NintendObserver’s select content on Pokémon Moon for Nintendo 3DS.
NintendObserver’s select content on Pokémon Moon for Nintendo 3DS.
The Cores act as brains while the Cells make up Zygarde's body parts.
Tokorico. Créa-Élec. Ire de la Nature.
The new Dedenne, Pachirisu or Pikachu. Electric- and Steel-type.
Chrysapile. Batterie.
Dodoala. Hypersommeil.
So many new Pokémon and new type combinations, are NoA and NoE asleep or something???
They posted it during E3 but made it private a few minutes later. It was originally shown on Treehouse Live.
Sun & Moon getting the same collector's treatment as Pokémon ORAS.
They'll probably announce it for North America at the GameStop Managers Conference this September.
Buffs and debuffs are finally visible in-game.
Aired live on June 14 at 9:15 AM PT.
The battle is over at the end of any turn when all of the Pokémon of one Trainer have fainted.
And here's the new Caterpie.
The new Rattata.
The new Pidgey.
Phase Soleil Levant et Phase Pleine Lune en français.
An artificial Pokémon with a soul of its own.
Les nouveaux Roucool, Rattata et Chenipan ont été dévoilés.