Pokémon Sun & Moon – Zygarde’s Cores and Cells

NintendObserverThe Cores act as brains while the Cells make up Zygarde’s body parts. 


☆ NintendObs Weekly – Monday, June 27, 2016 – Sunday, July 3, 2016.

Pokémon Sun Moon



Zygarde’s Cores and Cells

Pokémon Sun Moon

The Cores and Cells That Make Up Zygarde

Each of Zygarde’s forms are made by gathering together its cell-like components called Cores and Cells. Neither Cores nor Cells have the power to battle on their own as individuals. Only when gathered together can they take action—as Zygarde.

Zygarde Core

Cores are cell-like components that make up Zygarde, and only a small number of them exist. Cores serve as brains, and by gathering Cells, they can create Zygarde’s different forms. Cores have their own wills and sometimes act on their own.

Zygarde’s Cells

Cells make up the parts of Zygarde other than its brain. There are many more Cells than there are Cores, and they exist all around the Alola region. Cells do not possess wills of their own. They act in accordance with the orders of a Core.


Source: Pokémon Sun Moon.
Ici en français : Cœurs et Cellules de Zygarde. 😉



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