Pokémon Sun & Moon – Komala

NintendObserverDodoala. Hypersommeil. 


☆ NintendObs Weekly – Monday, June 27, 2016 – Sunday, July 3, 2016.

Pokémon Sun Moon




Pokémon Sun Moon

No one has ever seen a Komala awake. It eats, travels, and even battles while sound asleep! Its saliva can be used as medicine for the sick or sleepless, according to ancient people. They say if you take a small amount of the saliva remaining after it eats leaves, water the saliva down, and drink it, you’ll be able to sleep well.

Komala clings to a log pillow that its parents have given to it. Once it has grasped this log, it almost never releases it. If it does lose hold of its log, the Pokémon will be unable to sleep well and will thrash about wildly. Apparently it will sometimes cling to the arm of a Trainer it trusts.

Komala has the Comatose Ability, a new Ability that no other Pokémon has ever had until now. This Ability keeps it perpetually in a drowsing state, which prevents it from getting any other status conditions.


Pokémon Sun Moon


The ever-sleeping Komala’s expression sometimes changes, as if it has awareness of its surroundings and the talking of people nearby. But it appears that these changes in expression are actually just a result of the dreams it’s experiencing.


Source: Pokémon Sun Moon.
Ici en français : Dodoala. 😉



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