Nintendo FY3/2018: Consolidated Financial Forecasts

NintendObserver“Looking ahead, we plan to leverage [the Switch’s] momentum to reach an even broader range of consumers and expand the installed base of the hardware.”


☆ NintendObs Event – Nintendo FY3/2018.

Nintendo FY3/2018



Outlook for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2019

Consumers have been very receptive to the new concept introduced by Nintendo Switch as a home gaming system that they can take with them to play anytime, anywhere, with anyone, which helped it maintain its favorable momentum during this fiscal year. Looking ahead, we plan to leverage this momentum to reach an even broader range of consumers and expand the installed base of the hardware.

Specifically, we released Nintendo Labo in April as an offering of a new way to play, and then we are slated to release Mario Tennis Aces in June, as well as the latest entry from the popular series, Super Smash Bros. (temp.) within the year. We expect to release several hit titles from other software publishers as well. Then in September, we will begin offering the Nintendo Switch Online paid service to expand the online functionality of Nintendo Switch. Our goal is to take full advantage of the platform by continuously introducing compelling new software while further increasing sales of popular titles that are already in the market.

With Nintendo 3DS, we will continue to target an ever wider range of consumers. We will work to leverage the platform’s rich software library and worldwide total hardware install base of over 72 million units and further expand sales of evergreen titles.

Our smart-device business is poised to grow with the release of new gaming applications including Mario Kart Tour, alongside the applications consumers continue to enjoy that were released prior to this fiscal year.

Through these initiatives, for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019, we expect to see results of 1,200.0 billion yen in net sales, with 225.0 billion yen in operating profit, 230.0 billion yen in ordinary profit, and profit attributable to owners of parent of 165.0 billion yen. Unit sales of major products used in these forecasts can be found on page 15 under the heading “(4) Consolidated sales units, number of new titles, and sales units forecast” in the section titled “Others.” Exchange rate assumptions for the major currencies used in forecasting are 105 yen per US dollar and 125 yen per euro.


[Note] Forecasts announced by the Company referred to above were prepared based on management’s assumptions with information available at this time and therefore involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Please note such risks and uncertainties may cause the actual results to be materially different from the forecasts (earnings forecast, dividend forecast and other forecasts).


Source: Nintendo JP.



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