Nintendo’s 2016 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Q&A 6: Business Report

NintendObserver“The concern was that my speech may not be clear enough to be easily understood.” 


☆ NintendObs Event – Nintendo’s 2016 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

Nintendo’s 2016 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders




This year’s business report was given as a recorded narration. Past presidents have presented it in their own words, which was more impressive. How much can we trust the current President to carry this company called Nintendo? I would have been more pleased if the President himself had presented the report.

In the selection of five directors (Proposal No. 3), the names of the candidates are listed, but it was disappointing to see candidate numbers indicated in front of their names. Since they all have individual names, I do not think the numbers were necessary.




In presenting this year’s business report, we decided to use a recorded narration, and that is indeed a change from last year. We gave this much thought. The concern was that my speech may not be clear enough to be easily understood. So I ask for your understanding that this different approach was part of the new things that we are trying out. I do appreciate your valuable input about the importance of presenting the business report in my own words. We will definitely give thought to what we should do in the future.

We will also take into consideration your opinion on the candidate numbers posted on the proposal item on director selection.


— The 76th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Source: Nintendo JP.



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