Nintendo’s 2016 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Q&A 10: Investors and Fans

NintendObserver“The general meeting of shareholders should be a place where shareholders and board members can communicate on a range of topics.” 


☆ NintendObs Event – Nintendo’s 2016 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

Nintendo’s 2016 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders




I have a request regarding the general meeting of shareholders. Your shareholders can be broadly divided into investors and Nintendo fans, and the questions at the general shareholders’ meeting follow suit, with questions about financial reports and Nintendo’s organization on the one hand, and questions about games on the other. Don’t you think it would be better to divide up the Q&A session and use the first part for questions about financial reports, Nintendo’s organization and share prices etc., and the second part for questions about games? I am a Nintendo fan, and I would rather ask questions about games, so as an alternative idea you could end the meeting after the first part, but then go into extra innings in a corner where game fans could get together and ask questions.




I appreciate your love of our games and take it you want the general meeting of shareholders to be a place where more information about our games is provided. As I said at the meeting before last, the general meeting of shareholders should be a place where shareholders and board members can communicate on a range of topics. This is very important for the company’s future advancement and to respond to the requests of shareholders. Since there are shareholders at these meetings who have questions about corporate management from the perspective of investors, it is a significant opportunity to present that information to them (as well as to shareholders who are game fans). I get that you want us to provide more information about Nintendo products. I can’t say right now what we’ll do, but we will investigate ways of creating more opportunities to supply that information.


— The 76th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Source: Nintendo JP.



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