The Engine Room – SteamWorld Quest Is Canon, But It’s Hard To Wrap Your Head Around!
Fack, now even I want that Schoko-Bananen. 🤐
NintendObserver’s select content on SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech for Nintendo Switch.
NintendObserver’s select content on SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech for Nintendo Switch.
Fack, now even I want that Schoko-Bananen. 🤐
NintendObserver s'entretient avec Image & Form au sujet de SteamWorld Quest.
Image & Form talks with NintendObserver.
And that's when I got the game. But my hands are too full to play it right now...
A 20% off sale celebrated the event.
I was so hyped to play it. But I have no money for games right now to play it at launch. 😭
Out on April 25 for $/€24.99 exclusively on Nintendo eShop for the foreseeable future. I never spend more than €20 for an indie game. But I'll be willing to make an exception for Image & Form.
A good retreat covers a bad loss.
Chill weekend vibes to... Wait, where have I heard that before?
And so the tale of the SRPG begins. ("S" here stands for Swedish.)
Release date please.
It's the next SteamWorld game. Count me in. Count me in.