Pokémon: ‘Mega Evolve a Beedrill and Use It in Battle to Help Unlock Mega Houndoom’
If Trainers win 275 million battles before the event ends globally, they'll unlock Mega Raids featuring Mega Houndoom.
NintendObserver’s select content on the smart devices platform.
NintendObserver’s select content on the smart devices platform.
If Trainers win 275 million battles before the event ends globally, they'll unlock Mega Raids featuring Mega Houndoom.
Participants in this free event will complete one of the special My Nintendo missions celebrating the 35th anniversary of the Super Mario Bros. game.
L'événement en français. Pour finir, je tiens juste à noter que l'année prochaine, ce sont Zelda et Metroid qui fêtent leurs 35ème anniversaires. À bon entendeur, salut. 😉
Console launches excluded, this is arguably the biggest campaign Nintendo has ever made.
Mario Kart Live Home Circuit has to be the biggest surprise of the show.
The only one I didn't cover explicitly is the Mario characters-only Smash Ultimate online tournament.
Play as Mario (SNES) and Donkey Kong Jr. (SNES), just like in the original.
"Let us never be apart." "Of course, dearest."
Stack pieces in between columns.
Blue looking so sly he is now the mascot of the official Pokémon Masters EX YouTube channel.
"Need help finding something? Just ask at the counter!"
So the others are going to roll out progressively.
Season 5 will be shorter than previous seasons, at just three weeks long. Additionally, ratings won't be in effect for this season: you’ll progress through the ranks by winning a certain number of battles.
This will be the first time Tri Attack will be available in Pokémon Go.
The amount of Mega Energy that Trainers receive from winning Mega Raids has increased and other improvements.
This bundle will be available in the shop until Wednesday, September 30, 2020.
Mega Houndoom is up next.
When Eggs were first introduced to the game, players could choose one of these Pokémon, but now with this event, you can get all three.
If you're looking to get as many lucky cookies as you can, don't forget about the co-op Battle Villa battles.
September 20.