Nintendo France : ‘Entrevue de développeurs Nintendo Classic Mini : SNES – Volume 1 : Star Fox + Star Fox 2’
"Le jeu a été terminé il y a 22 ans."
NintendObserver’s select content on Shigeru Miyamoto.
NintendObserver’s select content on Shigeru Miyamoto.
"Le jeu a été terminé il y a 22 ans."
It all starts with Star Fox and Star Fox 2.
"The number of downloads of Fire Emblem Heroes is less than a tenth of the number for Super Mario Run, but the total figure that consumers have spent on this title is more than on Super Mario Run."
Why no love for Marie...
Surprise! Miyamoto-san with a message for Oceanian gamers.
For Yves Guillemot and all the teams at Ubisoft, this has to be a dream come true.
Davide Soliani: "The first time we presented this game to Mr. Miyamoto, it was in Los Angeles, E3."
"Nintendo is a company which creates unique things and, once something unique is embraced by the public, there will be no competition in that market."
Truer words have never been spoken.
Shigeru Miyamoto explains Mario's return to a sandbox format.
Lol. 🙂
Super, ils ont sous-titré le tout en français.
March 3, 2017. $299.99 with everything included but the Pro Controller.
The gameplay of the Super Mario Run was actually inspired in part by speedrunners.
Samurai Mario on his T-shirt.
"J'ai donc fait une nuit blanche pour composer le morceau d'ouverture."
"Please look up the manual for details."
Interview couvrant Super Mario Bros. et Super Mario Bros. 3.