Ubisoft: ‘Just Dance World Cup Online Qualifiers Start July 16’
The World Grand Finale is scheduled to take place in Paris in February 2018.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Just Dance franchise.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Just Dance franchise.
The World Grand Finale is scheduled to take place in Paris in February 2018.
Online qualifications begin July 16.
"I just wanna dance with somebody..."
118 million sold since the first game released on the Wii.
"Daddy, Daddy Cool!!" 😃
24K Magic, The Way I Are (Dance With Somebody), Automaton and more.
Essayez Just Dance 2017 sur Nintendo Switch.
And don't forget FIFA, unless EA does forget for unprecedented reasons.
Quand ton père se lance sur la piste de danse.
"So can I get a hand clap!"
Super Bomberman R, Just Dance 2017, FAST RMX, I am Setsuna, and more.
The Switch is out. Breathing the wild.
A more robust notifications feature and a completely streamlined eShop.
Real people. Real videogames. Two more weeks to go.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, 1-2-Switch, Just Dance 2017.
"The most anticipated video game system and video game of the year will be seen on the biggest stage of the year."
Ah c’est comme ça. Parce que là, tout à coup, on ne fait plus dans la mignoncité.
And be sure to stay tuned, as new games will continue to be announced in the coming months.
Can't wait for us to have events like that in Europe as well.
Kit & Krysta at the NYC Nintendo Switch Preview Tour.