Weekly Nintendo eShop Downloads – June 16, 2016 (Europe)
Fire Emblem Fates DLC and a whole amount of sales.
NintendObserver’s select content on European downloads.
NintendObserver’s select content on European downloads.
Fire Emblem Fates DLC and a whole amount of sales.
Terraria on Wii U, Pokémon Ranger games on Wii U VC, Kirby Planet Robobot, Fire Emblem Fates Revelation.
Kick & Fennick, Fire Emblem Fates DLC Map 4 & 5, Donkey Kong Country 3 on New 3DS VC.
Futuridium EP, Mario Slam Basketball, Fire Emblem Fates DLC Map 2 & 3.
Fire Emblem Fates in Europe. The rest is conversation.
*cues The Classroom*
Pocket Card Jockey on Nintendo 3DS.
Lost Reavers, Mini Mario & Friends amiibo Challenge, Yo-kai Watch, Super Punch-Out.
Star Fox Zero, Star Fox Guard, Mario Party DS, Mario Party 2.
Lost Reavers beta, Yoshi's Story, Pilotwings.
Lovely Planet, Super Robo Mouse, Wario Land The Shake Dimension, Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Metroid Other M and a full range of Fire Emblem sales.
Infinity Runner, Star Fox 64, Hyrule Warriors Legends, Donkey Kong Country games on New Nintendo 3DS.
Mutant Mudds Super Challenge, Pokkén Tournament, F-Zero and Super Mario Kart on New Nintendo 3DS.
Super Mario Advance games on Wii U, Stella Glow, Super Metroid, A Link to the Past on New Nintendo 3DS.
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD, Advance Wars Dual Strike on the Wii U VC.
Bravely Second, Pokémon Red, Blue & Yellow, Mega Man Legacy Collection, 6180 the moon.
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, Return to PopoloCrois A Story of Seasons Fairytale and a LEGO Marvel Avengers demo.
Lemme just say there's A LOT of great content on the European eShop this week.
Bayonetta & Corrin for Smash, all add-on bundles, Super Mario Galaxy on Wii U VC, The Legend of Legacy.