Pokémon Sword Shield: ‘Galarian Darumaka’
From Fire to Ice.
NintendObserver’s select content on artworks.
NintendObserver’s select content on artworks.
From Fire to Ice.
Pokémon Shield exclusive with the Ice Face Ability.
Pokémon Sword exclusive with the Power Spot Ability.
G-Max Sandblast.
Sand Spit.
G-Max Centiferno.
One of the very few Fire- and Bug-type Pokémon.
The Dragon-type Gym Leader.
The Dark-type Gym Leader.
Pokémon Shield exclusive. Her son is her Pokémon Sword counterpart.
Pokémon Sword exclusive. His mother is his Pokémon Shield counterpart.
The Fairy-type Gym Leader.
The Fire-type Gym Leader.
I think that's the full list but in case they're still hiding something, I'm sure the wikis have it all figured out.
Since the game launches this year in Japan a few days before Christmas, they provided Gaia with a Santa suit.
Not that I'm in position to complain, but I'm still wondering why 90% of the female characters in this franchise have generous chests.
If you ask me that game is still a long way to go.
Now the real question is: will the swimsuit costumes make it to the West this time?
Trick Tiles, Trackers and a whole lot more.
Fresh from the oven, the newest track – Gingerbread Joyride – brings all the fun of the season.