Detective Pikachu amiibo launches on March 23
Giant amiibo confirmed to launch on the same day as the game.
NintendObserver’s select content on the amiibo platform.
NintendObserver’s select content on the amiibo platform.
Giant amiibo confirmed to launch on the same day as the game.
I wonder when they'll reveal the final Copy Ability they'll bring to the game. They're probably developing it right now.
She's... Wow.
Kirby Battle Royale is out now in North America.
For those who just got their platform over the holidays.
It should be noted that a release date has yet to be confirmed at this time.
Un jour après le Direct, c'est quand même une sacrée surprise. 🙂
Detective Pikachu is coming to the West on March 23, 2018.
Launching on the same day as it does in Europe actually.
Awesome Splatoon 2 cosplay. 🙂
The latest Style Savvy game now available in North America.
Quand je pense que le jeu a maintenant cinq ans et est pourtant toujours d'actualité.
Zelda for Kit, and Mario for Krysta. They had different choices probably for the first time since the beginning of the series.
So that's what all the Japanese box arts for Mario Party 1 to 10 looked like.
Une Noire dans l'intro. Sympa vu que c'est tellement rare de nous voir représentés dans tout ce qui touche à la mode en général. 🙂
This time, Mario and Cappy get their own cereals, all with amiibo on top.
En tant qu'Enfant de dragon, vous incarnez le héros de la prophétie possédant le pouvoir de la Voix, le seul et unique capable d'affronter les dragons.
Skyrim now on Nintendo Switch.
Les amiibos permettent aussi d'obtenir des pièces et des vies supplémentaires.
Mario Party The Top 100 out now on Nintendo 3DS in North America.