Weekly Top 50 Media Create Charts (September 4, 2017 – September 10, 2017)
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch opened at around 25K.
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch opened at around 25K.
Destiny 2 leading the way in Japan.
The Switch on top again at over twice the numbers of the PS4.
New Minna no Golf showing what Japan really wants to play on PS4. 😉
The Switch triplin' in up again.
Monster Hunter Double Cross on Nintendo Switch.
No idea why the PS4 took the lead that week.
Dragon Quest XI again. On Nintendo 3DS.
Still all about the Switch. That's the Spla2oon effect for you.
Still all about Dragon Quest XI. With Snack World following at nearly 100K.
Switch and 3DS neck and neck at 61 and 60 thousands.
Dragon Quest XI on 3DS still ruling the charts.
The Dragon Quest XI games commonly sold over two million units at launch.
Dragon Quest XI tearing through.
Splatoon 2 pushing the Switch at nearly 100K in a week.
Splatoon 2 and Layton Mystery Journey.
When the 3DS could still leading the Japanese market on a weekly basis.
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age at over 100K.
Switch sales just chilling a bit for Splatoon 2.
Gundam Versus taking the lead.