Fortnite: ‘v9.20 Patch Notes’
Enters the Storm Flip.
Enters the Storm Flip.
Tournicoton, Blancoton, Moumouton, Corvaillus, Torgamord.
A recap on the new Pokémon revealed in the latest Pokémon Direct.
Did Ash even won that?
Arguably the most adorable Tag Team to appear in the Pokémon TCG so far.
Introducing the Ditto As line of plushies.
Body Slam for Slaking.
Le dernier rappel du plan de l'E3 en français avant le début des hostilités.
Another YouTuber for Super Mario Maker.
That's when they announced Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield to be playable on the E3 showfloor. (...Which seemed obvious from the start but hey.)
Your first taste of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.
I would have recommended Hyrule Warriors but its multiplayer feature is only on Wii U.
Double Dragon II The Revenge, Volleyball, City Connection.
La dépêche française du dernier Pokémon Direct.
Everything you need to know about the latest Pokémon Direct.
Enters the Burst SMG.
From Tuesday, June 4 to Tuesday, June 11.
Look for it wherever books are sold starting July 23, 2019.
In celebration of this June's Pokémon Go Community Day.
As extra encouragement to get out and explore during Adventure Week, you'll earn four times the usual Buddy Candy as you walk, and Trainers who have Adventure Sync activated will earn 50,000 Stardust and 15 Rare Candies if they walk at least 50 km.