A Preview of Bravely Second via Siliconera: ‘Bravely Second Shares What Edea Has Been Up To’
Pikachu. Always Pikachu.
Now the only one missing is everyone's favorite: Ringabel.
La démo sera surement distribuée à l'événement Monster Hunter parisien de demain.
Smartphone phenomenon meets icon of dedicated gaming.
Bolstering the looks of a touching RPG.
A Saurian Dash project for Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2.
Taunting enemies will allow you to earn more points but will also make your enemies more powerful.
Holding the attack button in Witch Time allows for Dodge Offset.
Teaming with the greatest persona in fictional investigations.
Developed by a man born with no arms.
Stealth Inc 2 releases October 23, 2014 exclusively on the Wii U eShop. (No longer exclusive.)
Looks better and more stable than the E3 build I saw at Japan Expo.
A pretty novel gameplay mechanic.
It'd be cool if they could bring that free promotion to the West if the game ends up coming here.
Just like The Millenium Girl, the remake gets its own set of characters.
Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis, for those who get the reference.
October 30 now confirmed, only on the eShop.
I'll miss Revo for sure but I know ryo will take his creations to the next level.
Brought to U by the creators of Stealth Inc 2.