Pokémon: ‘Watch Ash Face Snowy Weather and Ice-type Pokémon in Episodes on Pokémon TV’

NintendObserverThe coldest episodes from Pokémon the Series.


☆ NintendObs Weekly – Monday, December 14, 2020 – Sunday, December 20, 2020.

Pokémon TV



Pokémon TV

Watch Ash Face Snowy Weather and Ice-type Pokémon in Episodes on Pokémon TV

Cold weather is snow problem for our heroes in this collection of classic Pokémon the Series episodes.


December 18, 2020


Wintertime is upon us, and the forecast calls for snow! Ash and his friends have certainly encountered some cold weather during their journeys, and when you’re traveling through blizzards and snowy mountains, you’re bound to encounter plenty of Ice-type Pokémon. We’ve collected some of our heroes’ coolest adventures in a special channel on Pokémon TV.

Along the way, you’re bound to see Pokémon battles that are both chilling and thrilling, so grab a warm beverage, curl up under a toasty blanket, and settle in to watch this icy marathon. You can catch it for the next two weeks on Pokémon TV. Remember that you can watch Pokémon TV here on watch.pokemon.com or using the Pokémon TV mobile app.


— Pokémon News
Source: Pokémon.



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