A brand-new stage, Goby Arena, also revealed during the finals of Splatoon Koshien 2018.
☆ NintendObs Event – Splatoon Koshien 2018 Reveals.
Our tireless research has resulted in a thrilling discovery! Yes, today we learned that Inklings play basketball! The existence of a new stage, Goby Arena, indicates that Inklings may even play the sport competitively.
As you can see, the details of the sport have been fairly well preserved. The arena is complete with a full-size locker room, polished wooden court, concession stands, jumbotron, VIP seating, and memorabilia shop.
Furthermore, it appears that the arena is converted into an ink-battle stage during the offseason, and this unique location should make for exciting battles indeed. We suspect that the mid-court area, along with the two basketball hoops on each side of the court, will be a focal point for all battle types. Gaining control of the hoop on your side of the stage will give your team the high ground you need to push forward. We’ll continue to closely monitor this new development and will provide updates in due course.
— Squid Research Lab
Source: Splatoon’s Tumblr.
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