Sakurai’s Pic of the Day – November 18, 2014

NintendObserverMultiplayer Stadium mode.


☆ NintendObs Weekly – Monday, November 17, 2014 – Sunday, November 23, 2014.

Super Smash Bros for Wii U



Super Smash Bros for Wii U


Pic of the day. You can play co-op in all the games in Stadium mode!! In Home-run Contest, you can either work together or compete by taking turns launching Sandbag.


Super Smash Bros for Wii U


The batting order gets determined randomly to make it fair for the poor person that has to go first. Target Blast and Home-run Contest are games that you play over and over again, but you might find unique ways to play when you only have one shot at victory.


— Sakurai (NNID: SakuraiMasahiroA)
Source: Miiverse.



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…Wanna play? Buy a Wii U.

And if you’ve already got yours, click on Super Smash Bros. for Wii U for everything you need to know about the game. 😀