Dress as Jessie and James from Pokémon the Movie Secrets of the Jungle in Pokémon Go
Oufits free in the Style Shop.
NintendObserver’s select content on tweets.
NintendObserver’s select content on tweets.
Oufits free in the Style Shop.
...But not in Latin America at the moment. 🙃
This time Jessie and James will be your friends.
That's how I got Final Fantasy VII for 50% off. I did it for Sephiroth.
To this day their Twitter is still trying to position itself on Animal Crossing New Horizons. 🙄
The Walking Dead enters the Item Shop.
...But you can only play it for five hours per playthrough. 😢
It just dawned on me that the game, successful as it is, is currently a console exclusive on Nintendo Switch.
Returning monsters you know and probably don't love.
When the effective creators of the PlayStation brand are reunited on Nintendo.
I still think they should make an amiibo for Female Byleth too.
At time of posting there's still a few hours to get the likes of Super Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Three Houses and The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild for about 20 dollars off.
Don't let the results fool you, Animal Crossing New Horizons is the true game of the year 2020. 😐
Don't worry, there's a chance that Bowser (Santa) and Mario (Santa) will appear in the first pipe of the Rosalina tour.
This Christmas is your time to shine, baby girl. 😘
Which hasn't been announced in the West yet because some people have taken it upon themselves to taunt Nintendo.
DLC in Fitness Boxing, I did not know that was a thing. (It's free.)
Now that I think about it they haven't shown any underwater combat. I remember doing that against the Lagiacrus in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.
One of the new monsters added to the game.
Just like they did in Japan at the same time.