Nintendo Labo – Director Insights, Part 3
It's Camille Van Duyn, who was always there for the Monopoly Gamer Nintendo Minute episodes! 🙂
NintendObserver’s select content on Tsubasa Sakaguchi.
NintendObserver’s select content on Tsubasa Sakaguchi.
It's Camille Van Duyn, who was always there for the Monopoly Gamer Nintendo Minute episodes! 🙂
Like he says, elements of the VR Kit were actually shown from the start in Nintendo Labo's reveal video.
"After launch we're going to add new VR Plaza games via Nintendo Switch News."
Sakaguchi-san went there all the way from Japan to take the trophy!
L'interview a été postée en anglais sur site de NoA donc du coup, j'ai choisi de poster la deuxième partie de NoE en français.
Mr Sakaguchi: "I was so upset I went back to the hotel room and cried a little."
Pas le temps.
Quand Miyamoto et compagnie jouent aux amiibo. 🙂
SAKAGUCHI !!!! 😃 Perso je surkiffe ce mec, parce que y'a pas à dire, son jeu déchire. 😃
"Honto ni subarashii shiai deshita."
I wasn't kidding when I said I saw Shigeru Miyamoto at Japan Expo.
The Regginator versus Mystery Water.