Trials Rising – Welcome Back to the Gigatrack
It's free. (And pretty much the only thing Nintendo Switch-related from Ubisoft Forward.)
NintendObserver’s select content on the Trials franchise.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Trials franchise.
It's free. (And pretty much the only thing Nintendo Switch-related from Ubisoft Forward.)
Dress as the Watch Dogs Legion character you all know and love.
The sixth and final season of new tracks and bikes for Trials Rising.
That King Crab bike seems pretty cool. (Did they come up with that name?)
On March 26, the Microtracks Classic track pack will arrive, bringing riders into the arena for 12 very short, very technical tracks that will challenge them to squeeze every last hundredth of a second out of their no-checkpoint runs.
One year of Trials Rising. One year of the developer brutalizing himself live on camera for Ubisoft.
Biking on ice.
North Pole. Just Dance Panda. It could only make sense.
The Scarab bike, like the previously released Shopping Cart & Crawler, is available to purchase for Acorns only.
Enters the Crawler.
Launching the Crash & Sunburn expansion.
Season 3 of Trials Rising is called Welcome to the Future, and it kicks off with a new ranked multiplayer leaderboard reward.
Trials Rising's second DLC.
Crash & Sunburn adds 37 new tracks, a new Jungle Explorer outfit, and two new bikes that will change the way you ride.
The trio trade tips and leave audio evidence that, for nearly an hour at least, they took a break from building.
I didn't know you could skate or kart in Trials.
A shopping cart. Play as a shopping cart.
Introducing a new season of ranked multiplayer, two new Ronin- and Knight-themed rider outfits and bike skins, a new shopping cart vehicle, and new tracks.
24 new tracks, skill games, and a football outfit.
Trials Rising Sixty-Six is now available, giving Trials players who have completed League 3 in the base game an opportunity to cruise Route 66 and experience all of the new content in the expansion.