Metal Max Xeno Reborn – Second Japanese Trailer
Now with its release date. July 9 in Japan.
NintendObserver’s select content on trailers.
NintendObserver’s select content on trailers.
Now with its release date. July 9 in Japan.
Available now with online cross-play.
Marth before he was cool.
Nintendo Switch can run Crysis. Let that sink in.
Sassy is the true protagonist here.
Character Pass 2 will also be available on Nintendo Switch.
If it's already so unstable in a trailer, I can't be confident about the full game.
Aside from Japan, the Guild Box is only available in Europe.
Everything goes when facing Hitler.
Playable since April 19.
Why no English trailer I do not know.
Now that's a... Western JRPG. (Pun shamefully intended.)
Assist Mode. More like Easy Mode.
Meanwhile in the West, I'm not even sure this season is ever coming to our territories.
NIS is on a roll. In Japan that's out on July 30.
But... She's not a giraffe...
Out on May 15 with a pre-order rebate.
Coming to you from Inti Creates' own Dragon Marked For Death on April 21.
Egg 1.
I had to check the press kit to make sure it was on Nintendo Switch. May 28.