Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem – Japanese Screenshots and Team from Famitsu
It's always to good to see an RPG that utilizes the GamePad.
NintendObserver’s select content on Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE for Wii U.
NintendObserver’s select content on Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE for Wii U.
It's always to good to see an RPG that utilizes the GamePad.
FE characters -- "Mirages" -- in SMTxFE come from the first Fire Emblem and from its Awakening sequel.
A tale of youth and heroes guided by destiny. 2016.
Day 2, 10:00 AM PT: Treehouse plays Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem.
"If Atlus are going to develop it, then it would be best to make it into the kind of title that Atlus specializes in."
"We have discussions such as 'what should we do in terms of bust size?'"
Tiki spotted.
Being right has never felt so good.