NoE: ‘DarkThunder is your DreamHack Leipzig champion – the fourth event of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate European Circuit!’
Everyone except Yetey in the top 8 was from Germany where the event happened.
NintendObserver’s select content on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for Nintendo Switch.
NintendObserver’s select content on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for Nintendo Switch.
Everyone except Yetey in the top 8 was from Germany where the event happened.
Nimmz and Bowie giving you the lowdown in classic YouTube fashion.
All four Spirits are new.
Just a reminder, or maybe to pour salt in a few salty wounds. 😛
Oh hello, beautiful. ❤️
Pas de God-Shattering Star. Pas de Funeral of Flowers. Le seul son de boss de fin qu'ils ont mis c'est le son le "moins" stylé. ...Mais bon. Avec le recul, il serait irresponsable de spoiler des musiques aussi épiques.
People need to understand that ever since Melee, we on the Fire Emblem camp have had a very close relationship with the Super Smash Bros franchise.
Two from Capcom, and two from Ubisoft.
The outrage online for this reveal was and is positively delectable.
"All Challenger Packs from Fighters Pass Vol. 2 will be distributed sequentially by 31/12/2021."
And the track Floral Fury comes right along with him.
Rhea!!!! ❤️
#75. Dress in the colors of Dimitri, Edelgard, Claude and Seteth, the four of them representing the four routes of the game.
Et dans la minute d'après, BAM !! Ombres embrasées pour Fire Emblem Three Houses. 😄
The most predictable Smash announcement was actually a surprise.
Hopefully they'll make amiibos for DLC Fighters as well.
...And I think I missed them.
It's funny to put it this way but... You never saw it coming. 😛
On n'arrête pas le Gluto.
The first amiibo-exclusive event tournament.