Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Palutena Fighter Showcase
Third representative of the Kid Icarus series.
NintendObserver’s select content on Super Smash Bros Ultimate fighter showcases.
NintendObserver’s select content on Super Smash Bros Ultimate fighter showcases.
Third representative of the Kid Icarus series.
Representing the Mii series.
Seventh representative of the Pokémon series.
Representing the Punch-Out series.
Seventh representative of the Super Mario series.
Representing the Wii Fit series.
Representing the Mega Man series.
Representing the Animal Crossing series.
Third representative of the Star Fox series.
Sixth representative of The Legend of Zelda series.
Representing... Is R.O.B. a character or an accessory?
Sixth representative of the Pokémon series.
Representing the Pikmin series.
Third representative of the Kirby series.
Representing the Sonic series.
Second representative of the EarthBound series.
Second representative of the Donkey Kong series.
Fifth representative of the Pokémon series.
Fourth representative of the Fire Emblem series.
Representing the Metal Gear series.