Nintendo France : ‘Une avalanche de tournois à Japan Expo 2015 sur le stand Nintendo’
Mario Kart 8 uniquement en 200 cc. Fire-hoppeurs, la fête est terminée.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Super Smash Bros. franchise.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Super Smash Bros. franchise.
Mario Kart 8 uniquement en 200 cc. Fire-hoppeurs, la fête est terminée.
Smash DLC advertised on TV in Japan.
Day 1, 1:00 PM PT: Treehouse plays Super Smash Bros. DLC.
Wii Fit Trainer looks like she's in for murder in that artwork.
Bringing that Street Fighter flair into Super Smash Bros. combat.
First order of business: putting Roy Koopa out of the picture.
The title is a nod to Roy's Fire Emblem game: Fire Emblem Fuuin no Tsurugi (Sword of Seals).
Le pack DLC 3D/U entier avec les trois combattants, les deux stages, les musiques et toutes les tenues est à 29,48 €.
Cette pose façon Mega Man déchire. 😃
The Super Smash Bros. DLC Direct in Japanese. The sample pictures for the Miiverse stage are a little bit different.
Le Super Smash Bros. DLC Direct en français avec les prix du contenu en euros.
This Super Smash Bros. DLC Direct's official press release.
Here is all the content launching in Smash today. The meta is never gonna be same. 🙂
"Software sells hardware," and when you consistently make fun, unique, exclusive games, you can sell a lot of hardware!
The handheld where the great games are.
I'd just bet Inklings for Smash are going to be announced in Sakurai's Direct this weekend.
It's all about Lucas, the Miiverse stage, Splatoon Mii Fighter costumes, and obviously some brand-new announcements.
That's on the same day as the Nintendo World Championships 2015, a few hours prior to the event.
Lucas to be available right before E3.
How cool would it be to fight with that guitar.