Photos of the Nintendo World Championships 2017 at the Manhattan Center in New York, NY
John Numbers versus Thomas Gonda.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Super Smash Bros. franchise.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Super Smash Bros. franchise.
John Numbers versus Thomas Gonda.
Thomas Gonda, 21, of Oakland, California, has earned the title of Nintendo World Championships 2017 winner.
What about the Bayonetta 2 soundtrack.
Even the police came down to play.
Two locations: the San Diego Comic-Con booth and the San Diego ballroom of the Marriott Marquis & Marina.
Surprise! Miyamoto-san with a message for Oceanian gamers.
Only for My Nintendo.
Just this coming week the Oceania region is getting the New Nintendo 2DS XL.
Nintendo's taking the Switch and the 3DS around the U.S. this summer.
New Nintendo 2DS XL launches first worldwide in Oceania on June 15.
Zelda series: June 23. Smash Bros. series: July 21.
A pretty sweet format filled with release dates.
Each have an alternate. Advent Children Cloud, female Corrin and Bayonetta 1.
La dépêche de presse française du Direct d'avril.
Everything this latest Direct had to offer.
Exclusive to the land Down Under so far. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U comes as a download code.
"It's good to have boundaries."
Here's your chance to get copies of eight of the 3DS's best titles.
Some of the kids who participated will forever remember this event as their first Super Smash Bros. tournament.
That Bayonetta combo though. (Although I'm pretty sure that's avoidable.)