Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – Kirby Fighter Screenshots
NintendObserver’s select content on the Super Smash Bros. franchise.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Super Smash Bros. franchise.
A new Super Smash Bros. game with new fighters, stages, and more.
With pictures of how it all unfolded.
Splatoon 2, Breath of the Wild, Ultra Street Fighter II and Fire Emblem Warriors on sale for E3.
BackSquids s'est vraiment bien défendu. Je pense qu'ils étaient les seules en Occident capables de vaincre SetToDestroyX, et cette demi-finale était absolument anthologique.
La dépêche de presse de Nintendo en français pour toutes les annonces du Nintendo Direct E3 2018.
Reggie and ZeRo as special guests.
Breath of the Wild's first sale ever.
The GG BoyZ and ZeRo respectively win the Splatoon 2 World Championship and the Super Smash Bros. Invitational 2018.
Nintendo's press release for E3 2018's announcements.
So that's where Treehouse Live was being filmed. Reggie pops up, too.
Yay... I'm sure Zelda Williams will come out as the winner.
My predictions, roughly 24 hours before the event. Smash (duh), Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem. Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 DLC. Yoshi I think will be on standby for potential internal delays, while Pokémon core will be Nintendo's main title for E3 2019. For anything else, I'm just waiting to be amazed.
The G.O.A.T. The Greatest Of All Time.
Commentators announced for the Splatoon 2 World Championship and the Super Smash Bros. Invitational 2018.