NoA: ‘Try out Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at CEO 2018’
Smash Bros. Ultimate's first stop after E3 2018.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Super Smash Bros. franchise.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Super Smash Bros. franchise.
Smash Bros. Ultimate's first stop after E3 2018.
From Nintendo Direct E3 2018 to the Super Smash Bros. Invitational 2018. A packed and awesome day it was. 😃
Ten segments in total. So much Smash Ultimate to enjoy.
TKbreezy tho. And that Bayonetta. No wonder Sakurai said he already saw a few bugs he needs to fix in the tournament.
Aside from Smash Bros. Ultimate (obviously), Fire Emblem Three Houses was my highlight of the show.
Third representative of the Metroid series.
Representing the Splatoon series.
Representing the Bayonetta series.
Sixth representative of the Fire Emblem series.
Representing the Final Fantasy series.
Representing the Street Fighter series.
Representing the Duck Hunt series.
Eighth representative of the Super Mario series.
Representing the Xenoblade series.
Fifth representative of the Fire Emblem series.
Representing the Pac-Man series.
Third representative of the Kid Icarus series.
Representing the Mii series.
Seventh representative of the Pokémon series.
Representing the Punch-Out series.