Nintendo Minute – Super Mario Odyssey Gameplay with Developers at E3 2017
Some more Odyssey gameplay with the producer and the director of the game.
NintendObserver’s select content on Super Mario Odyssey for Nintendo Switch.
NintendObserver’s select content on Super Mario Odyssey for Nintendo Switch.
Some more Odyssey gameplay with the producer and the director of the game.
Embark on a cap-tivating, globe-trotting adventure.
Surprise! Miyamoto-san with a message for Oceanian gamers.
One plays as Mario, the other plays as Cappy.
Check it out for daily updates on the game. The tweets are pretty much a translation of the original Japanese account.
Jaxis and Moe-Eyes.
Wow... WOW!!!
Into the Deep Woods.
Discovering New Donk City and Tostarena Town.
Tous les amiibos actuellement en vente seront compatibles avec le jeu.
Mario's ship is eponymously called the Odyssey.
October 17. Ready your wallets.
A special kind of love triangle.
Tout commence le mardi 13 juin à 18h.
Nintendo's full E3 plans have now been revealed.
Shigeru Miyamoto explains Mario's return to a sandbox format.
A showcase of Mario's moves in his next big adventure.
A spiritual successor to Super Mario 64.