Super Mario Odyssey – New York Launch Celebration!!
So cool...
NintendObserver’s select content on Super Mario Odyssey for Nintendo Switch.
NintendObserver’s select content on Super Mario Odyssey for Nintendo Switch.
So cool...
What a surprise...
The total number of Nintendo Switch systems sold in the United States through the end of October now stands at more than 2.6 million.
Fifteen-minute challenge in the Sand Kingdom.
It's the same footage they had in Japan (and Europe as well if I'm not mistaken).
Captured live at the Nintendo NY Store.
Sans oublier #CapturedByCappy.
The official press release for the launch of Mario's latest adventure.
That Donkey Kong costume is so cute...
Just make sure you’ve got at least 5.2 GB of free space in your Nintendo Switch.
Time for some Super Cappy Odyssey.
"Let’s do the Odyssey..."
Play and embark on a captivating globe-trotting adventure.
The final showdown.
"C'est un peu comme un retour à l'enfance."
Nintendo Suwiichi. Suupaa Mario Odesei.
Super Mario Odyssey irl.
The Super Mario Odyssey Tour Kick-off Event.
I actually thought they were going to make a full-fledged musical for a second.