Nintendo UK: ‘Check out these free demos and free-to-start games available for Nintendo 3DS family systems’
There are definitely a lot more -- wasn't there Kindgom Hearts 3D demo back then ? -- but I assume these are the best they cound find.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Style Savvy franchise.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Style Savvy franchise.
There are definitely a lot more -- wasn't there Kindgom Hearts 3D demo back then ? -- but I assume these are the best they cound find.
More games for 3DS.
The latest Style Savvy game now available in North America.
So many games and so many videos this article might as well burn your computer.
I just checked and I clocked 83:24 on the original New Style Boutique. Please don't judge me.
Make over up-and-coming singers, actresses, models, and more to inspire them to stardom and awaken their inner fashionistas.
Cosplay in style.
C'est là que tu réalises qu'il y a quand même un paquet de jeux réputés sur Nintendo 3DS.
At time of posting though, the full game is now available in North America as well.
With Katrielle Layton as the opener.
Une Noire dans l'intro. Sympa vu que c'est tellement rare de nous voir représentés dans tout ce qui touche à la mode en général. 🙂
Take your boutique to the top as you style the stars of tomorrow.
La carrière des pop stars de demain est entre vos mains.
Plus de 20 000 vêtements et accessoires.
Gérez votre propre boutique, et relookez les stars.
Style rising stars on their way to their grand debut.
Fashion on Christmas Day.
Et si c'était vous la prochaine superstar.
With a focus on the White + Purple New Nintendo 2DS XL.
It's as if they brought in story and RPG elements to the franchise.