Live from the Squid Research Lab – June 8, 2017 #2
Ink Mines.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Splatoon franchise.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Splatoon franchise.
Ink Mines.
The Dynamo Roller, with a Ink Mine sub and a Sting Ray special.
Les Octalings sont de retour avec toute une armée octarienne prête à en découdre.
Point Sensors.
A brand-new special, the Ink Storm.
The Splattershot Pro, with a Point Sensor sub and an Ink Storm special.
J'en étais sûr : Erza ne peut pas participer parce qu'il n'a pas dix-huit ans. Franchement c'est tellement dommage.
The Neon Green and the Neon Pink Joy-Cons will probably cross the oceans too in the near future.
Arms, June 16. Splatoon 2, July 21. Pokkén Tournament DX, September 22.
A brand-new sub, the Autobomb.
The Octobrush, with an Autobomb sub and an Inkjet special.
I'd love to see them bring these masks on the E3 showfloor.
A new sub, the Toxic Mist.
Introducing the weapons of E3. First, the Blaster, with a Toxic Mist sub and a Splashdown special.
Enter the Octolings.
Don't forget. It all starts Tuesday June 13 at 9 a.m. PT with Nintendo Spotlight E3 2017.
Ink blasts in Rainmaker.
Checkpoints in Tower Control.
Zone coverage UI in Splat Zones.