Pokémon Go – Getting Started in the Go Battle League
That's cute: when you lose, the game doesn't shame you for it, and just tells you "Good effort!" 🙂
NintendObserver’s select content on the smart devices platform.
NintendObserver’s select content on the smart devices platform.
That's cute: when you lose, the game doesn't shame you for it, and just tells you "Good effort!" 🙂
Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the original Dr. Mario game.
8-Bit Dr. Mario, straight out of the original.
I still don't understand how he's able to jump. His inability do so because of the backpack he's carrying is literally at the heart of the mechanic of the Captain Toad Treasure Tracker game. 😐
I love seeing how yukatas look on guys, it makes me want to wear one so bad...
Scraggy is now available as a Research Breakthrough encounter all through the month of August.
The makeup event will be held on Sunday, August 16 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. local time.
Magikarp on August 8. With Aqua Tail as the exclusive move.
From Friday, July 31 to Friday, August 7.
Type skills have been added, so if you have two or more sync pairs of the same type, they will activate a bonus effect that strengthens your team.
The Kyo Yukata and accessories that appear in the game are also available for purchase from the official SOU・SOU online store.
Landscape mode, new All-Cup Ranking rewards and more.
A primer on the paid Pocket Camp Club subscriptions.
(I'm ruining this but...) "30 minutes of infinite play." How can it be infinite, if it's 30 minutes? 🤔
Keeping Trainers from around the world posted as the event proceeded.
Each of the three regions where Pokémon Go operates got its kickoff in one of their own languages.
Intro by John Hanke, BTS by Niantic and How to Build a Gift as the three videos compiled intiated the event.
And it all fits into a single sheet of paper.
Niantic teams from around the world take you behind the scenes of this once-a-year experience.
Is it me or, does it look like John Hanke significantly aged since the release of the game?