Pokémon: ‘Find Sewaddle, Cottonee, Emolga, Bouffalant, and More in Pokémon Go’s Third Ultra Unlock Week’
Sewaddle, Cottonee and Emolga are all making their Pokémon Go debut.
NintendObserver’s select content on the smart devices platform.
NintendObserver’s select content on the smart devices platform.
Sewaddle, Cottonee and Emolga are all making their Pokémon Go debut.
It kinda reminds me of these quick turn-limit missions in Fire Emblem Heroes.
That's the first time he's ever playable in a Mario Kart game. "Collect Grand Stars and see if you can earn all the booty."
I'll be the ninja, please. That's how we win.
Dr. Dry Bowser though. The dude is no longer alive but he's going to make sure you remain in the land of the living. 🙃
To think just a few Books ago she was about popping people's heads off...
Tibarn. The leader of the Shipless Pirates.
It's funny, Fire Emblem Heroes also has a pirate-themed event at the moment.
"COVID-19 has flipped the script on humanity." I disagree with this initial assessment, and it's something I really want to point out. What COVID-19 really did is reveal how the rulers in charge in Western countries cannot do the job that justifies their privilege in the eyes of the people. And now companies such as Niantic (and everyday people for that matter) are forced to adapt.
The Mythical Pokémon Deoxys in its Normal Forme will be appearing in five-star raids, and if you're lucky, you might even encounter a Shiny Deoxys.
There is an issue occurring in Feh's Summer Celebration Hero Fest. Please see the in-game notifications for details.
That ducky. You'd tell him: "It's not allowed to be this cute." Then he'd answer: "I know." And you'd immediately freak out.
Get it done with Too Cool Icicle Crash.
Cute Factor Disarming Voice is their sync move.
...Who's Sushi?
Candela and Arlo's flashback scene though. 👀
How Wario launched the brand Wario Billionaires. 😛
Summer Sinoa and Summer Konohana Sakuya tag along to bring the hotness. 👌
Book III's antagonist. Now playable.
Listen up for a sneak peek at what's coming next in Pokémon Go.