SEGA Ages – Japanese Columns II Overview Trailer
I can't help but wonder why SEGA would have two (even more I think actually) Tetris-like franchises when I assume they'd be competing with one another.
NintendObserver’s select content on SEGA Ages for Nintendo Switch.
NintendObserver’s select content on SEGA Ages for Nintendo Switch.
I can't help but wonder why SEGA would have two (even more I think actually) Tetris-like franchises when I assume they'd be competing with one another.
You can actually play Virtua Racing eight players on the same screen.
An unusual shoot' em up, even for its own era.
Up next: Virtua Racing and Wonder Boy Monster Land on June 27.
A remake and a spiritual sequel are available on the Switch right now.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: in retrospect, videogames back then (at least on Nintendo's competitors) were... kinda really sexist.
Who knew you could win a boss fight with rock-paper-scissors.
The RPG take on the Tetris franchise.
That was actually SEGA's answer to Super Mario Bros. And now it's on Nintendo.
...Games back then -- and to an extent still today -- were actually deeply sexist when you think about it.
To this day, aside for marketing purposes of the time, I don't understand why she is in the car.
That game seems absolutely nothing like the Phantasy Star Online I used to play on the GameCube.
Who needs Virtual Console when you can just bring back games from the past with better marketing.
It's like the whole Virtual Console is getting the classics treatment.