Pokémon Twilight Wings episode 6 airing on July 2
Allister is the star.
NintendObserver’s select content on Pokémon: Twilight Wings.
NintendObserver’s select content on Pokémon: Twilight Wings.
Allister is the star.
Ça c'est une femme forte.
A day in the life of the true ruler of the Galar Region.
Oriivu-sama knows it all.
Given the current events, the episode was made not to appear in YouTube subscription feeds.
With a focus on Oleana.
Je ne savais pas que Sonia cachait une telle silhouette derrière son manteau...
It's such a missed opportunity. They should have had Nessa voiced by a Black woman from the UK, their accent is wonderful and would have been much more authentic, especially since the Galar region is inspired by the United Kingdom. Now it just gives off the vibe that her Black beauty, Black charisma and Black attitude have been coopted by yet another White woman.
Will Nessa sacrifice one dream in pursuit of the other?
For some reason, the Japanese version launched the week before.
Corviknight is the real protagonist here. Hence the name "Twilight Wings."
Next up: my waifu.
Fallait pas manquer de respect à ton Pokémon.
Here are a few screens to wet your appetite.
They first planned it for Tuesday, March 10, but deleted the original tweet.
I assume each episode will chronologically follow the previous one in some way just like this one did.
J'adore les différentes personalités de Machoc, Machopeur et Mackogneur. 😊
One v. one me, Machamp.