Pokémon Sun & Moon – Meet New Pokémon and Discover Battle Royals!
Pikipek, Yungoos and Grubbin revealed as well as a four-player free-for-all Pokémon battle mode.
NintendObserver’s select content on Pokémon Moon for Nintendo 3DS.
NintendObserver’s select content on Pokémon Moon for Nintendo 3DS.
Pikipek, Yungoos and Grubbin revealed as well as a four-player free-for-all Pokémon battle mode.
Myria-Flèches, Myria-Vagues et Sanction Suprême.
Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves and Core Enforcer.
I guess they haven't localized "Swarm Change" and its commentary yet in the Western versions.
That was in the Cool Features section. I didn't see it at first.
La dépêche de Nintendo France pour les dernières infos de Pokémon Soleil et Lune. Tout y est.
NoA's press release for this latest Pokémon Sun & Moon info blowout. Everything's in there.
Newly-released teasers showing actual raw gameplay.
Choc Météore et Rayon Spectral déclenchés.
Sunsteel Strike and Moongeist Beam featured.
Rotom invades your Pokédex for an all-new all-in-one menu.
Five islands and a cool cast of characters for the new region.
Psychic- and Ghost-type with the new Shadow Shield Ability.
Psychic- and Steel-type with the new Full Metal Body Ability.
Even in Japan they're wondering why this footage wasn't officially released in every region.
La dépêche de Nintendo France au sujet des récentes révélations sur Pokémon Soleil et Pokémon Lune.
The recent Pokémon reveals' NoA press release.
Pokémon Sun & Moon launch November 18 in Japan.
Pokémon Soleil et Lune sortent le 23 novembre en Europe.
Pokémon Sun & Moon launch November 18 in North America.