Abra to star in this December’s Pokémon Go Community Day
Pokémon from previous Community Days will also be making appearances.
NintendObserver’s select content on Pokémon Go for smart devices.
NintendObserver’s select content on Pokémon Go for smart devices.
Pokémon from previous Community Days will also be making appearances.
It should be ridiculous to emphasize at this point but yes, people play Pokémon Go.
Mo' storage less problems. If Niantic is to be believed you're gonna need the space this month.
The final Community Day event of the year will be held on Saturday, December 12, and Sunday, December 13.
Event begins on Monday, December 14. No Zarude, though.
Litleo and Espurr will be appearing in one-star raids.
The number of ranks have been increased from 10 to 24.
Seel, Aron, and Elgyem will no longer be hatching from Eggs.
Team OG Rocket returns.
There will also be a mysterious Pokémon appearing in one-star raids, so make sure to keep an eye out!
Replacing Mega Blastoise.
Each Season in Pokémon Go will reflect the actual season occurring in your location, and the Pokémon that appear will vary by hemisphere.
To help Trainers level up faster, a double Catch XP bonus will be in effect until December 31.
Managing your Pokémon is about to become much easier with the introduction of Pokémon tagging and other general search updates.
"We're excited to announce that Trainers in Tainan, Taiwan won the competition and earned the bonus event!"
Read for a preview of what's coming to the Go this December.
That's when I realize it's roughly the exact same article that had last year. 🤔
They're gone now but they seem to reappear every year.
How the big announcement kicked off. It was designed for the music and the visuals to be able to smoothly loop infinitely.
Q: "What are you most proud of building?" A: "Things that are coming that I can't talk about yet." 🙃