Weekly Nintendo eShop Downloads – November 12, 2015 (Europe)
Rodea the Sky Soldier... and I guess that's it.
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November 9, 2015
NintendObserver’s select content on November 2015.
NintendObserver’s select content on November 2015.
Rodea the Sky Soldier... and I guess that's it.
Wii U and 3DS titles held out pretty well against 9 brand-new titles from the competition.
Inb4 NeoGAF.
Yo-kai Watch, Electronic Super Joy, Stinger on 3DS VC, Rodea on November 10.
The week belongs to God Eater Resurrection.
Contra, Medabots and Mega Man Battle Network on Wii U VC, Chibi-Robo, New Style Boutique 2 demo.