Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes – Coffee & Doughnuts Trailer
Enter a side-scrolling mystery to the unknown.
NintendObserver’s select content on the No More Heroes franchise.
NintendObserver’s select content on the No More Heroes franchise.
Enter a side-scrolling mystery to the unknown.
With a message from Goichi Suda.
Stalk a serial killer through maze-like streets.
DLC 01 on February 28 with Shinobu Jacobs, DLC 02 on April 30 with Bad Girl.
"Visitor... I've been waiting."
Indies love Travis.
The retail version includes the season pass which will also be available for purchase separately on the Nintendo eShop.
I think some of these have yet to be on Nintendo Switch.
Which eventually became the game's retail box art.
I think that's where they showcased Oddworld Stranger's Wrath on Switch for the first time.
Travis Strikes Again, Killer Queen Black, Wargroove and more.
From Nindies to Pokémon Let's Go and Super Mario Party.
Hotline Miami, The Messenger... Interesting.
That's just a few days more than two years after the game's initial announcement at the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 event.
Go Morphies!
Nintendo's plans for PAX West 2018.
Daemon X Machina will also be featured.
Genre. C'est vachement sympa de leur part d'avoir carrément créé une promo en français à partir du jeu. 😃
Suda's really got a thing for indies right now.
À noter également que des présentations de Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu et Pokémon Let’s Go Evoli auront lieu chaque jour sur la scène principale.