Nintendo Labo – Vehicle Kit Reveal Screenshots
Red for the car, blue for the submarine, green for the plane.
NintendObserver’s select content on Nintendo Labo for Nintendo Switch.
NintendObserver’s select content on Nintendo Labo for Nintendo Switch.
Red for the car, blue for the submarine, green for the plane.
A Nintendo Labo event for kids in Japan, diving deep into the Toy-Con Garage.
Pour passer d’un véhicule à un autre à la volée, retirez la clé d’un véhicule et insérez-la dans un autre pour, par exemple, passer de pilote d’avion à capitaine de sous-marin en un clin d’œil.
A new Nintendo Labo adventure. September 14.
Announced and for the same week as the Vehicle Kit's reveal.
Kass would be so proud.
Using pasta as a decorative item.
Once kids have completed the activity, they will get to keep their Toy-Con RC Car, which they create during the Workshop, as well as receive a Nintendo Labo Workshop completion certificate as a token of their achievement.
En Europe, participez avant le 7 septembre.
Submissions end on August 20.
Some of these minigames like bowling or ring toss I actually had never seen before.
Yeah, the puns are really obvious...
It's cute that they're positioning this new way to play as an entry point for children to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Nimms and Frankie take the spotlight this time. (Or is supposed to be Nimmz?)
I really like the idea of the accordion. 🙂
They're really having fun with that customization. (Tom and Jamie are married together after all.) 🙂
That Labo Switch though. What if it actually feels like cardboard?
Nintendo UK partnering with prominent British YouTubers to delve some more into Nintendo Labo.
More games are expected to be compatible with Nintendo Labo.
And it's another one for Mr. Takahashi.