YouTube Live at E3 2016 – Nintendo Independent Games Update
Where the live reveal of Runbow's retail packages and more Nindie goodness happened.
NintendObserver’s select content on the New Nintendo 3DS platform.
NintendObserver’s select content on the New Nintendo 3DS platform.
Where the live reveal of Runbow's retail packages and more Nindie goodness happened.
Runbow being ported to New 3DS and New 3DS XL.
NoE's monthly update: Lost Reavers, Olympia Rising, Chronicles of Teddy, and more.
Still in shock after what happened to Buzz Buzz.
NoE's monthly. It's all about VC and Mutant Mudds.
Les grands jeux de l'époque dans le creux de vos mains.
Le jeu n'est disponible qu'en anglais.
One for Hoshido, one for Nohr, launching alongside the games.
"When we'll have more to reveal, we'll let you know."
Le Direct de mars 2016 en français.
This March 2016 Nintendo Direct in Japanese.
Tout ce qu'il y a à savoir sur le Direct en français.
The official NoA press release for this latest Nintendo Direct.
I assume "exclusively" means the arcades version isn't meant to reach Western shores.
North America to celebrate Pokémon's 20th anniversary with a special New Nintendo 3DS bundle.
Pokémon celebrating its 20th anniversary with games and special editions at the wake of the new year.
What an Animal Crossing and Rhythm Paradise sleepover looks like in Japan.
A New 3DS hardware bundle will launch alongside New Style Boutique 2 in Europe.
New Nintendo 3DS coming to North America.
Uh oh...