Mario Kart Tour’s Cat Tour starting January 26
You already know why. 👀
NintendObserver’s select content on the Mario Kart franchise.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Mario Kart franchise.
You already know why. 👀
And so #FreeMelee no longer impacts Nintendo VS tournaments.
With a focus on Super Mario 3D All-Stars, Animal Crossing New Horizons and Mario Kart Live Home Circuit.
Luigi stars in this German showcase.
Don your track with the brand names you've seen in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Sausage. But of course.
Mario Kart Tour's newest city course.
Ils jouent tellement mal à Mario Kart sur la vidéo qu'on voit clairement que c'est la team de Nintendo of Europe qui s'est enregistrée en train de jouer. 😅
Sephiroth won the month. Nuff said.
I see you looking festive too, Toad! 😄
Has it surpassed Fire Emblem Heroes as Nintendo's leading mobile game in revenue yet?
You're welcome Rosalinas. 🙃
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or Super Mario Odyssey. Your call.
So many Marios they got in there...
Lakitu looking sharp for the occasion.
If there's one game this episode got me really intrigued about, it's Paper Mario The Origami King.
For all of you who made the right decision this holiday season. 👌
Bringing the chilly chills into your living room.
And the track is Sherbet Land.
The Tour that played during Christmas 2020.