Mad Rat Dead – Japanese Mad Rat Challenge
LMAO. The team in Japan made Mad Rat Dead in real life. 😂
NintendObserver’s select content on Mad Rat Dead for Nintendo Switch.
NintendObserver’s select content on Mad Rat Dead for Nintendo Switch.
LMAO. The team in Japan made Mad Rat Dead in real life. 😂
The premise of this game lands some harsh truths on human experiments. 😬
Everything "Great" ("Just" in Japanese) in all three videos.
"Mad Rat Alive" is the one that stucks in my mind the most.
Get S+ on any stage for a chance to win irl prizes.
Them Fortnite dance skills. The vote should have included Prinny as a third option.
Prinny #1 though. The true winner of the contest.
Obviously, the bad guy had to be a cat. 👀
That's the soundtrack preview they premiered in Japan.
Match your movements to the rhythm of the music in order to keep Mad Rat alive while you jump, smash, and dash your way through vivid and stylish levels.
All the way to the first boss battle.
The type of tracks you could hear on Funky Way FM. 😁
Rewind time every time you game over.
Wreck havoc to the rhythm. October 30.