Luigi’s Mansion 3 – Nintendo Switch My Way Commercial
Nothing is scarier to a parent than the waking of their baby.
NintendObserver’s select content on Luigi’s Mansion 3 for Nintendo Switch.
NintendObserver’s select content on Luigi’s Mansion 3 for Nintendo Switch.
Nothing is scarier to a parent than the waking of their baby.
I can't wrap around my mind how professional Bryce from Next Level Games is. Developers on stage tend to act like they're a part of the marketing team, yet he's just here giving you every detail about how he and his team developed the game.
I swear this game looks like a movie.
Googi's Weakness.
How could anyone not love the Polterpup. I could say it was designed to be loved.
Franchement tout le monde savait que le jeu sortirait pour Halloween.
...What a shocker. But the real shocker is, this is the only retail Nintendo title in recent memory to actually launch on a Thursday.
Ils ont profité de l'annonce de la date de sortie pour titrer ainsi cet article récapitulatif de l'E3 2019.
Gooigi has "G" on its cap.
Il y a carrément un fantôme qui attaque à la baguette.
The first entry since the reveal of Googi in Luigi's Mansion 3.
I feel like Next Level Games have really turned the Luigi's Mansion franchise into their own, and that truly is something to celebrate.
I should send that screenshot to @kitosan and @breath0air one day.
If I'm not mistaken the intro of the game actually plays in the E3 demo.
E3 Direct opener. Still no release date but that's a Halloween 2019 title if you ask me. (Even the devs said they're just working on bugs now.)
On four Switches, so I take it the other four players will be Googis.
Why not Luigi's Hotel? (I'm kidding.)
"In the beginning, we thought about focusing on puzzles that happened in rooms that were just next to each other, side by side. But by having rooms above and below, it kind of adds to the amount of stuff that we can do from a puzzle perspective."
With the assistance of Professor E. Gadd once again, the reluctant and cowardly hero Luigi traverses up and down a mysterious hotel with floors that are completely different from one another.
Prepare to be spooked anew, this time in HD.